According to EPA research, air inside of homes and other buildings is often more seriously polluted than the air outside. This is especially true for the air inside of apartment buildings. Apartment buildings are more prone to poor air quality issues for a number of reasons, and it's important to be aware of these issues so you can minimize their effects. That's why Common Sense Inspections Inc. strongly encourages thorough air quality testing for apartments and multi-family homes of all sizes. Keep reading for more details!

Apartment Buildings and Poor Air Quality

These are some of the most common factors that contribute to poor air quality in apartment buildings:

  • Communal space: The nature of apartment buildings means you're sharing air with multiple units at once—so anything that's occurring inside one unit has the potential to affect all the surrounding units. Whether your neighbor is a smoker or has mold in their bathroom, those pollutants can easily float their way into your own living space.
  • Dust and dust mites: Apartments usually have a small square footage and poor ventilation, both of which lead to a greater concentration of dust and dust mites. Plus, sharing air ducts with the whole building means everyone else's dust could become your problem, too.
  • Outdated HVAC equipment: This could be a major problem if you live in an old apartment building. The filters and air ducts will have collected a lot of dust, mold, and bacteria over the years. Unless your landlord is on top of changing your air filters every 3 months, you're likely to experience poor air quality as a result of old equipment.
  • Mold growth: As we mentioned above, the communal nature of apartment buildings means mold can easily spread from unit to unit. From poorly ventilated laundry rooms to humid bathrooms to aging window sills, there's no shortage of opportunities for mold to grow and thrive in an apartment building.
  • VOCs (volatile organic compounds): What do formaldehyde, acetone, benzene, and ehtylene glycol all have in common? They're VOCs, and they're found in everything from carpets to cleaning products to air fresheners. Even if you're good about using "green" products in your personal space, your neighbors' behaviors and products may still have an impact on your building's air quality.

...And that's just to name a few!

So, whether you're a tenant, landlord, or building manager, you should seriously consider getting your apartment building's air tested for allergens and dangerous pollutants. Once you know what's lurking in your indoor air, you'll be able to take steps to purify your environment for more healthful, breathable air.

If you're in Los Angeles or Seattle, call Common Sense Inspections Inc. for a complete, professional air quality test!